Guest posting by Emylea Trotter Happy New Year! We hope you had a safe and fun celebration to ring in the new year. Along with the New Year’s celebrations comes the tradition of making New Year’s resolutions. Resolutions are made to reach their goals, improve their health, and better their lives. Many people are successful at keeping their resolutions, while many others fail. Let’s breakdown the best ways to successfully keep your 2022 resolutions! How to Keep those Resolutions
Whatever your traditions or resolutions for the coming year are, we hope you have a better year than last year. Remember to be kind to yourself throughout the year with whatever might come or change. We are proud of you and the steps you take to make yourself better or more of the ‘you’, you want to be. If you feel you're ready to take your health into your own hands, let us help support you! Now-January 31st, we're offering a special on our Wellness Screens to help you take a preventative approach to your health. This screen is a holistic health assessment where we discuss your nutrition, sleep, stress and perform a full body musculoskeletal assessment to see how your movement and central nervous systems are functioning together to help provide you with education to better understand your body and maintain a sense of wellbeing. This can be performed in-person at our clinic or virtually for your convenience. Hurry! We only have 8 slots! Request yours today! Comments are closed.
Meet Your TherapistJessica has been in Austin, TX for the past four years. She grew up in Idaho and attended PT school at Idaho State University. She completed an Orthopaedic Residency and became a Board Certified Orthopaedic Clinical Specialist in 2016. Archives
February 2022